Written Images & Shooting Words

I am so grateful that I have started a new series that is very inspiring to me. I am writing erotica and creating visual scenes and merging them together in a photographic process. I am happy to share with you my first photo shoot in this effort. I love working with Dallas Pace, here, one of my favorite people to work with!  Inspired by these muses, I will write to them, and I predict will write and try to cast for the writing...and I feel it will be a fun exploration of how image creates context and a sense thru visual while words create internal images. I’m calling this phase of my work Written Images and Shooting Words.

I entered it into Rochester Erotic Arts Festival http://rochestereroticartfest.org/index.htmland am grateful for this 10 year anniversary for this festival inspiring me to do this series. Whether I win or not, I feel this auspicious beginning is something I’ll flesh out and polish as a one woman show after I do more shoots with this sort of writing fetish in mind. One of my dreams is to get into The Museum of Sex as a featured artist! https://www.museumofsex.com/ They liked me a while back saying I was “sensual without being sexual”. Whatever that means, I will follow my Erotic art heart. I hope to hit these marks and  start traveling with my work and having more shows. Please Enjoy!


Unknown said…
These are so beautiful!