Kundalini Yoga Workshop Series: The Elements with Damaris

I'm so happy to be on the brink of teaching my first workshop series as a Kundalini yoga teacher. Thanks so much to Lenessa and Mikey Shantaya of The Yoga School, Diane Fine of Fine Spirit Yoga, Sun Edwards of Transform, and Hawk of Ahimsa. You not only inspire me, but you support my inspiration. I'm proud of this idea, the theme, and how it relates to the community. It feels so nice to have a sense of doing the right thing...who knew I'd be teaching like this! It's right! I'm ready! Thanks for recognizing me. I'd also like to thank the Greenstar Yoga class I've been teaching for last 2 or so yrs It's really taking off too! Of course thank you for the experiences of teaching at: homeschool collective, Northern Lights Learning Center, Ithaca Waldorf School, and the amazing CUMEP at Soutside Community Center all places where I have taught kids...this has really taught me a lot, being a teacher!

Yes, Wha He Guru! I'm very excited to teach this series.  I'm so lucky, so grateful to be teaching in these four locations at once! I hope we get a lot of folks, and especially appreciate the 'cross pollination' between these awesome studios!  I think these elements and the topics are just perfect for your studios. It's an honor to work with all these folks. I can't wait to get to know more of the yoga community through this experience.

Whenever great things come thru me, I feel such a profound sense of gratitude. It's as if all I want to do is just expand myself so that I can GIVE, and let all this love flow!

Thank you, community for being so supportive and allowing me to share. Now, sign up for an 'element' or two...and let's do some Kundalini yoga, magic and meditation together!

Sat Nam! ~D

PS. My 6 yr old daughter, Deya,  took the sweet picture of me in the middle...she made sure I gave her a photo credit. Love Virgo time and energy!
