Embodied Being: Jasn Basn

In the process of this  second session from the series of Written Images and Shooting Words, I feel I may have also ended up shooting the Devil!  What an amazing embodiment of creativity you are!

Moving through blind and summoning 
portals, lifetimes 
grounding infinitely 
calling you/me in
you were her 
and then she was another 
so many names interwoven symbols 
I’m still making love to you at the altar 
altered states; increased perceptions 
awaken the heat within on hot rocks with cold bloodeds


Kelli said…
I love the creativity in this. It's an artists dream
Euge said…
Love these shots of Jasn! Great shots of a beautiful man! ❤️
Thank You so much! Yes. Jasn is Art. Grateful to make art of art. ��